Holsworthy AFC
Holsworthy AFC

The Magpie/RBL Clubhouse

OPEN EACH DAY  7pm - 11pm (and for 1st and 2nd team home matches)

The Magpie/RBL Clubhouse consists of a main bar room which offers pool, darts, TV and gaming machines.
The club also has a well-appointed Function Room with stage and dance floor together with its own large bar and toilet facilities.
The room is used for skittle competitions, fund raising events, such as Quiz Night competitions, as well as for birthday parties and other special events.


Details of our usual regular events are shown below together with any additional entertainment evenings.
The club can also offer the Function Room facilities for hosting special parties, events or conferences.

Just give us a call on 01409 254295 if you would like further details or to book the room for your special occasion. 


Club Activities
Mondays        Men’s Darts (Main Bar)
                        Bingo (Function Room)
Tuesdays       Men’s Skittles (Function Room)
Function Room bookable
Thursdays      Ladies Skittles (Function Room)
Fridays           Function Room bookable
Saturdays      Function Room bookable  


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Upcott Field - Home of the Magpies - © holsworthyafc.co.uk